Trunk or Treat for HopeKids at Tradition Companies

The Hopekids Trunk or Treat event at Tradition Companies in Edina, Minnesota, was a wonderful event!

More than 200 children and their families participated in the 6th annual HopeKids Trunk or Treat event at Tradition Companies Edina parking lot with trunks by Tradition Wealth Management and Tradition Bank. Thirty-five cars in all handed out candy, treats, games, warm apple cider, and donuts. Plus a DJ playing all the Halloween faves!

Tradition Wealth Management’s theme this year was “Merry Halloween” with elves handing out gift bags. Spotted in the crowd were Mario in his Mario Kart, Baby Shark, Harry Potter, Elsa + Sven & Olaf, several large dinosaurs, and even a leapfrog.

Thank you to everyone who joined us and made this day special!

Hopekids vision is to restore hope and transform the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions, their families and the communities in which they serve.

Their mission provides ongoing events, activities and a powerful, unique support community for families who have a child with cancer or some other life-­threatening medical condition. They surround these remarkable children and their families with the message that…

Hope is Powerful Medicine

Learn more at
